I Help Experts & Service Providers Book More Appointments With Email

Promotional Broadcasts | Value-Driven Newsletters | Automations That Sell While You Sleep

So you can gain more freedom, increase your ROI on ads, and change more lives with your work.

How It Works:

I Work With High-Ticket Experts & Service Providers Who:

  • Spend a lot of money on ads but need content & automation in place to convert more of those leads

  • Are too dependent on the social media hamster wheel & other channels you don't control

  • Have at least 10,000 people on your email list

  • Struggle to come up with original & effective content

  • Want a higher ROI on all their marketing channels

  • Have unpredictable cash flow

  • Want more recurring revenue

What You Get When You Work With Me:

  • An email expert who prioritizes market research and resonance over hollow tactics that burn trust with your list

  • Comprehensive voice & style development to make sure you stand out in the inbox, becoming the only email your list likes reading

  • Unlimited writing requests for all email, social media, and other content with a 48-hour turnaround time

  • Monthly check-in calls to review strategy & outcomes

  • Personalized broadcast and newsletter emails schedule

In other words...

You get a fully trained and self-managed email marketer who builds and optimizes all your campaigns for the fraction of a cost of a full-time employee.

Your Questions, Answered.

Why shouldn't I just hire in-house?

First of all, a good copywriter will cost you six-figures in annual salary. Not to mention benefits.

Plus, it's stressful for you to have a full-time (or even part-time!) person you're responsible for managing and keeping busy.

I'm a service-provider, not an employee. I work independently but put out six-figure-employee-quality work. And if your content needs extra work, I have my own network of experts I bring in to help at no extra expense to you.

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Is it just you?

Yup! I'm the one-man writing show right now. I occasionally consult experts in the industry on my own dime if I need an extra set of eyeballs on something. But I'll let you know right away if I decide to hire another writer.

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How do you come up with ideas?

We'll host a monthly strategy call where we help you develop Intellectual Property, not just "content."

Your business needs a core, north-star idea that everything revolves around. Once we identify that, I have a series of prompts and questions that help you come up with and endless fountain of ideas.

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What if I don't like it?

Request revisions! And if you hate it that much... it's a month-to-month service so you can cancel anytime.

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If you're tired of riding the social media hamster wheel that keeps spinning faster and faster but never goes anywhere.... if you want to tell stories that move people to act... WATCH THIS: